Friday, 31 October 2008

Daring Bakers: Homemade Pizza

Hello there! Long time no see!

The Nursing course is going well, though it has been hard so far. I start my first placement on the 10th of November at a nursing home working with frail elderly patients. I'm looking forward to it as it's my first time working in a care environment. I am working three 12-hour shifts a week, which is a long day but at least I get four days off a week. I am currently studying Adult Nursing but have been really considering switching to the Mental Health Nursing instead. We'll just have to wait and see.

So onwards and upwards to this month's Daring Bakers Challenge: Homemade Pizza. We all had to use the same pizza dough recipe, but you had the complete freedom to use any topping you'd like. You might be saying to yourself, "Hey, homemade pizza is not really a challenge is it? What's up with those crazy Daring Bakers?". Well my friends, the twist was that you had to learn to toss the pizza dough and have photo taken of you demonstrating your amazing new skill!

After quite a few practice sessions with the pizza tossing (sometimes ending up in the kitchen sink!), James took a photo of me in mid toss. Now this is not a flattering shot of me in the least, but it was the best of the bunch, so try not and hold it against me.

Pizza Tossing

The pizza dough recipe yielded enough for six pizzas (9 to 12 inches in diameter), but as James and I are still doing WW, I only used two of the six rounds and froze the rest for later. So for my pizza toppings, I chose tuna and mandarin oranges for one and tuna, peppers & onions for the other. I love tuna pizza so much. I never tried it until I moved over to the UK. Not a lot of people have not tried tuna on pizza, but I highly recommend it.

Tuna & Mandarin Orange

Tuna, Peppers and Onions

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Just a drive-by I'm afraid...

I know I've missed the past two weeks with posting, but I have a 2,500 word essay that needs to be finished by Wednesday and unfornately for the moment, it has taken priority in my life. Also because of the start of university last month, I wasn't able to schedule myself and time to participate in September's Daring Bakers challenge. I'm so sorry, but after this essay I will have more time to sit down and better organise myself and my baking.

Here's something to tide you over until next week.....

They're not mine, but are featured over on Cute Overload.